Fraction to Decimal Calculator

This calculator converts fractions into decimals. Enter any fraction value to see the answer in decimal form.

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Common Fraction to Decimal Conversions

Click any fraction see it as a decimal.

Whole Fractions to Decimals

Two Point Fraction to Decimal

Fractions to Decimals Numerator/Denominator

Manually converting Fractions into Decimals

With the convenience of the fraction to decimal converter aside, let’s not forget the importance of being able to manually convert fractions into decimals on paper.

Fractions are made up of two parts. The numerator and the denominator a/b.

The line which separates the numerator and denominator can be replaced with the division symbol (÷).

So to convert a fraction to a decimal we simply divide the numerator by the denominator a÷b

Of course, if either or both of these have long digits the division gets more complicated so a calculator maybe needed.

Fraction to Decimal Examples:

9/10 = 9÷10 as a decimal = 0.90

4/11 = 4÷11 as a decimal = 0.36

12/4 = 12÷4 as a decimal = 3

128/8 = 128÷8 as a decimal = 16

13/4 = 13÷4 as a decimal = 3.25

Common questions on Fractions and Decimals

The metric system is a measuring system based on the meter, liter, and gram as units of length, capacity, and weight or mass. It's the primary measuring system used throughout the world with the notable exception of the US.
The Imperial system of measurement, is a fractional measurement system, where items are measured in feet, inches, pounds, and ounces.
Whole numbers are numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, etc. Whole numbers do not have a decimal point or fractional part. Whole numbers are always positive. Negative numbers are not considered whole.
A mixed number is made up of a whole number and a proper fraction.
Decimal numbers are part of the standard system for denoting integer and non integer numbers. Digits can be placed left or right of the decimal point. Numbers on the left of the decimal point indicate greater than one, numbers on the right indicate less than one.
A fraction represents part of a whole thing. When something is broken up into any number of parts, the fraction shows how many of those parts you have.
Fractions where the numerator (the top number) is less than the denominator (the bottom number). Example 2/3
Fractions where the numerator (the top number) is greater than or equal to the denominator (the bottom number). Example 3/2
Fractions whose top number (numerator) and bottom number (denominator) cannot be any smaller, while still being a whole number. That is to say, the number can no longer be divided by any number other than one while still being a whole number. 1/3 is a good example of a fully reduced fraction.
Yards, feet and inches are part all part of the Imperial measurement system so a quarter of an inch 1/4 is described as an Imperial fraction.
The U.S. is one of a few countries world wide which still uses the Imperial system of measurement, which is a fractional measurement system, where items are measured in feet, inches, pounds, ounces, yards, and so on. With the majority of the rest of the world using the metric system, which is a decimal measurement system, where items are measured in cm, metres, grams, kilos, and so on.

Decimal to Fraction Calculator

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