Scroll down for the steps to convert 2/19 as decimal 0.10526
Without the convenience of the fraction to decimal converter, let’s not forget the importance of being able to convert 2/19 as a decimal on paper.
Fractions are made up of two parts. The numerator (upper part) and the denominator (lower part) a/b.
The line which separates the numerator and denominator can be replaced with the division symbol (÷).
To convert a fraction to a decimal we divide the numerator by the denominator a÷b
Keep in mind, if either or both have long digits the division may get a little complicated.
Here is the math for converting 2/19 as a decimal:
2/19 = 2÷19 = 0.10526
You can also see the reverse conversion I.e. how decimal 0.10526 is converted into a fraction.